For the detection of Gamma radiation in food and other biological products

The Gammasonics AustralRAD Becquerel Monitor has been specifically designed and calibrated for the monitoring of food, minerals, liquids and biological products with low levels of radioactivity.

The high detection efficiency and fast decaying time are the main reasons why we include an internal BGO detector with our standard unit. The 1” x 1” (25mm x 25mm) BGO detector has three times more sensitivity than NaI(TI) at 500V > 3.5 for the detection of gamma radiation. However, if preferred by the user, the unit can include a NaI(TI) scintillator depending on the required measurement of the spectrum.


  • User-friendly software and electronics in order to successfully measure the total amount of gammas in a single sample
  • Includes a digital discriminator, and minimises false alarm signals through the software programme
  • A laptop is included with the purchase of our Austral-Rad Becquerel Monitor


  • High Background lead Shield permits easy sampling and collection of data
  • Austral-Rad Alpha - Beta Counter PC to detect and analyse alpha or alpha/beta-emitting radionuclides also allows detection of Polonium 210. It can include an optional Multi-Channel Analyser (MCA) if required.


  • Food Research
  • Defence/ National Security
  • Nuclear Medicine/ Radio pharmacy / PET
  • Environment Protection Authority - EPA
  • WHS/OH&S requirement
  • Radio Analysis and Radio Pharmacy
  • Biological Irradiation

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