Austral-Rad Personnel Portal/Mobile Monitor can be quickly assembled anywhere. The Austral-Rad Personnel Portal/Mobile Monitor has been specifically designed to meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) standard requirements.The unit consists of two Beta and Gamma detectors which are enclosed within a tough, durable casing thus ensuring there is no need for additional weather proofing or … Continue reading Austral-Rad Personnel Mobile Portal Monitor

For the Detection of Radioactive Meter and Metal ALL IN ONE FRISKY enables quick identification and location of radionuclide isotopes, with a simple YES or NO. Fast, simple and secure. FRISKY generates audible and visual warnings indicating the presence of radionuclides. The higher the level of radiation detected, the more frequent the audible sound and … Continue reading FRISKY

Passive Radiation Detection Warning Device requires no modification whatsoever to the existing metal detector walk-through gates The Passive Radiation Detection Warning Device – PRDWD radiation detector can convert any existing metal detector walk through gate into a radiation detector. The detector can be installed as a remote detector driven by the power of the main … Continue reading Passive Radiation Detection Warning Device

Area Monitoring, Area Monitoring, Area Monitoring, Cyclotron, Defence, Environmental, Health Physics/Construction, Medical
ARDMS Scinti-Rad
Dedicated to the radiation protection environment & security area system. The Automatic Radiation Detection Measurement System – ARDMS Scinti-Rad considers the necessity of monitoring radioactivity at low levels in open areas Gammasonics has developed a portable and resistant instrument that is ideal for industrial, environmental and defence matters. Gammasonics has taken advantage by developing a … Continue reading ARDMS Scinti-Rad

For National Security, Health and Safety and Nuclear industry Applications The Telescopic Probe consists of a multi-purpose monitor which is clipped to a mounting cradle, that is installed on the telescopic pole. The multi-purpose monitor can also be removed from the probe for independent use as a contamination meter, survey meter or area monitor, unlike … Continue reading Austral-Rad Telescopic Probe

Fastest response Radiation Emergency and Inspection in all Terrains and Conditions, Air, Sea or Ground with GPS The multiple detectors are connected to the onboard computer giving a precise and real-time identification of any source type hiding in the assessed containers, pallets or boxes. Even when the radiation source has been concealed in a lead … Continue reading R2 Truck and Helicopter

Providing Hyperbaric Treatment for small animals The Importance of Oxygen Therapy Oxygen supply is necessary for the survival of cells, being the key component of the physiological state of organs in both humans and mammals, resulting in a clear and harmonious balance between oxygen delivery and consumption within the body In humans and mammals oxygen … Continue reading Oxy Treat Oxygen Concentrator

To dispense I-131, minimising the dose to patients and reducing unnecessary exposure to personnel The 1-131 Delivery and Dispensing unit assists both the vet and nurses by providing improved protection during the delivery of 1-131 to the animal. The Gammasonics 1-131 DD Unit consists of two high energy lead glass barriers which provide protection for … Continue reading Dispensing Trolley I-131

Safe treatment of hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism in cats and small animals The original Cat Capsule (Cat Cage) designed by Gammasonics in early 2000 has been successfully used in veterinary clinics across Australia. The unique design of the 1-131 Capsula permits the unit to be utilised as a Hyperbaric chamber without the need for purchasing a … Continue reading Cat Capsula

High-quality 3D imaging is invaluable for accurate diagnosis and treatment. VetCAT equips you with an easy-to-use, fast, non-invasive tool to accurately assess your patient’s. Generating high-quality, fully 3D images with submillimeter resolution and geometrical accuracy superior to multi-slice, full-body CT scanners. CT technology is ideal for providing high-quality, 3D images. But full-sized CT scanners are … Continue reading VetCAT Portable CT

Advanced solid-state large field-of-view (LFOV) general purpose nuclear medicine camera. This single-head gamma camera is compact, lightweight, portable, and is designed to offer maximum clinical versatility. The Ergo is ideal for performing planar, gated, and dynamic nuclear medicine studies in imaging centers, outpatient service centers, and a variety of hospital settings. The new standard of … Continue reading Ergo Imaging System for Vet

Detecting the presence of radioactive material through climatic elements within from affected areas The radioactive material, from an area affected by some radioactive accident, can be spread by climatic elements (wind, rain) within a radius of 30 km. Thinking about it Gammasonics has developed the Automatic Radiation Detection and Measurement System – ARDMS to detect … Continue reading ARDMS Remote & Weather